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What is platelet rich plasma facial (PRP)?

PRP or Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy has the incredibly powerful benefits in and speeding up the body’s natural healing process. Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) originated in treating injuries but it also has incredible anti-aging properties. The most common uses, if PRP for face and PRP for hands and PRP for hair restoration.



Although blood is mainly a liquid (called plasma), it also contains small solid components (red cells, white cells, and platelets.) The platelets are best known for their importance in clotting blood. However, platelets also contain hundreds of proteins called growth factors which are very important in the healing of injuries. PRP is plasma with many more platelets than what is typically found in blood. The concentration of platelets — and, thereby, the concentration of growth factors — can be 5 to 10 times greater (or richer) than usual. To develop a PRP preparation, blood must first be drawn from a patient. The platelets are separated from other blood cells and their concentration is increased during a process called centrifugation. Then the increased concentration of platelets is used to treat many conditions including joint issues, hair restoration and skin rejuvenation.


PRP for face is a facial that involves topical application of the PRP combined with aeration of the skin with Microneedling or fractionated laser. The platelet-derived growth factors stimulate a healing response that reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while improving the skin’s tone and texture. This is commonly known as the vampire facial.


Benefits of PRP for Face:

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

  • Improves skin’s texture and tone

  • Naturally increases collagen production

  • Pore refinement

  • Creates a natural glow

  • Reduces acne scars

  • Naturally improves all aspects of skin health


PRP Hair Restoration is a non-surgical solution for hair loss in both men and women. Platelet Rich Plasma contains growth factors that naturally stimulate the development of new hair follicles while improving the health of existing hair follicles.


Our blood is made of two main components, red blood cells, and plasma. The plasma contains white blood cells and platelets, which are rich in growth factors.


Growth factors, in a sense, play the role of messengers, signaling skin cells to function. These growth factors can help stimulate the activity of the hair follicles and promote new hair growth.

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